to pulverize
your soul
meditation prayer and rest
will regain your whole
Working in a job you love,
feels not like work at all
this, my friend is where to aim
to fulfill your life's true role
Making money makes you rich
but does not give you peace
in time my friend, you must let go
to feel your SELF release
The more you earn, the more you spend
is no contrary notion
the act of earning just gears you up
for more, and intense spending
Review your life, take stock,stop now!
to feel where you are going
while bricks and banks are piling up
sweet beauty is past you flowing
The international language spake today
it seems is simply money,
but love, compassion honesty
take charge in their abundance
There is no scarcity in these things
they're free, just deep within us.
Copyright Suzy Rigg 2012